Action Pass is a student-run blog that is based in the Chicagoland area. They publish articles on topics like sports, news, entertainment, and politics on a weekly basis. Find out what’s trending and stay up to date with your friends by signing up for our newsletter!

Benefits of Action Pass

1. Sign up for the weekly newsletter. You’ll be able to see what’s been happening at Action Pass and be notified when there is a new post.

2. Add Action Pass to your reading list – You can now subscribe via email to receive the weekly newsletter directly in your inbox, without needing access to our website.

3. Check out the archives of past articles – Just like a newspaper, They have archives that can be viewed by everyone with access to the website and/or subscription information.

4. Increase your personal knowledge – Reading articles will give you a personal understanding of what is going on in the world.

5. Stay up-to-date with local news – You’ll gain an understanding of local news and events.

6. Aid in civic engagement – Action Pass’s articles aid in community building and make it easier to participate in communities, especially if you are unfamiliar with the area or have limited time to learn about it on your own.

7. Create your own post – If you have something of interest for the community, let them know about it by submitting a blog post! Keep track of all important information regarding your favorite team or organization through our “News” section.

8. Additional benefits to the Action Pass community – You will gain access to a variety of useful tools, such as:

– Action Pass’s blog post commenting system (this encourages comments and allows you to find other people with similar interests)

– Video embedding tool (let everyone know the latest news or important information in a quick and easy-to-share way)